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Stake Theta on Guardian Node - Mainnet 2.0

Below is a video on how you can Stake/Delegate your Theta on the Mainnet 2.0. If you want to see how I'm going to stake my Theta, please watch this video. If you want to see the Theta Network in action, you can view the Guardian Monitor page. You keep your Theta in your own wallet. You hold your …

Theta Staking - What I'm Doing

I have spoken in the past about how I've been staking/delegating my Theta tokens on Theta's Sapphire network. I also mentioned how you might be able to participate in staking using my Guardian Node. Just as many things in life change, so has my staking strategy. Take a listen to my video below to see how I've decided to stake …

Theta Staking - Guardian Staking Process

Staking through Web Wallet Access the Theta Web Wallet from your desktop/laptop. Unlock your Theta wallet using your typical access method (keystore, seed phrase, hardware wallet, etc.). Once your wallet is unlocked, click the “Stakes” tab of the menu and click “Deposit Stake”. In the Guardian Node Holder (Summary) field, enter the text string from your Guardian Node app. The Guardian Node Holder (Summary) …